Friday is here!

Welcome friday! FYYY vilken jobbig dag och hela veckan! Vill bara ta det lugnt och sova nu :( buh. Men har mkt plugg i helgen att se fram emot -.- pallar inte mer, i just want to get away! Men om 2 veckor ska vi ju till älsklingen, så det är ju värt att se fram emot :) Nu ska jag äta Ben & jerrys och dricka cola. PUUUUSS! ♥

Vad gillar ni att äta på fredagarna? :)

Postat av: Rolig Fakta :)

A Diet Coke and Mentos eruption, Also known as a Mentos eruption or a coke geyser is a reaction of Diet Coke and mint Mentos candies. A two-liter bottle of Diet Coke or of another carbonated beverage is used. Diet Coke is preferred because it tends to react better. Dropping some Mentos into the bottle, usually around four, causes the Diet Coke to foam at a rapid rate and spew into the air. Mint-flavored Mentos are used, as fruit-flavored Mentos have a smooth coating which slows the reaction. Because of the spectacular nature of this physical reaction and the easy availability of the ingredients, the eruption is a popular subject for Internet videos, also appearing in non-Internet sources.

A variation of this experiment consists of making the bottle rocket up by closing the cap shortly after Mentos is inserted and then slamming the bottle into the ground cap first. The explosion will generate a reaction like a rocket.

2010-02-26 @ 19:59:57

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